Drinking Games To Liven Up Your Next Pub Crawl
Heading on a pub crawl, a university party or party event of any kind? Like one of these adventures?
Become educated and versed in all the best drinking games that will have you rolling between bars in laughter (but hopefully not rolling home). Here’s a selection of some our favorite pub crawl drinking games.
Tom Thumb
Best played with a small group of friends, this game is sure to be a laugh for everyone involved (and everyone watching for that matter). Firstly everyone needs to grab a nice big glass or pint and top his or her drink to the brim. Everyone needs to keep their eyes peeled playing this one.
To start, everyone needs to allocate ‘Tom’. Tom is the thumb master. When Tom puts his thumb on the edge of the table and freezes, everyone else has to follow. The last person to notice is required to scull a decent measure of their drink (usually 3 fingers worth is a good amount), and then becomes the Tom, or the new thumb master.
Tips for Tom: Wait for someone to go the toilet (toilet passes are not allowed in this one), or comment on the hottie at the other end of the bar. It’s guaranteed to be a laugh.
Probably one of the only mathematical games with the ability to get a party started, this counting game can really make you think, laugh and cry in one 5 minute sitting. It’s simple, the first person starts at 1, the second person says 2, the third says 3 and so on, until someone reaches a number with 7 (7,17,27 etc).
At this point, the person needs to replace the number with “bottles”. If they forget, drink up. This drinking game ends at 50, so make it that far without drinking and you’re pretty much a mathematical champion or too sober. You can really spice things up by adding in the word “bottles” for numbers that are multiples of 7 (7,14, 21, 28, 35 etc).
Fuzzy Duck
Simple but a classic. The first person says “Fuzzy Duck” and the following person says “Ducky Fuzz”, alternating around the circle until someone gets it wrong.
That person has to drink up. Adding other rules to the game is also a laugh. For example; no pointing at anyone, no names and no swearwords are some rules that are guaranteed to make people pay the punishment.
Circle of Death
If you haven’t played this drinking game, you haven’t been to the right party. You need a deck of cards and plenty of drinks at hand is you want to play seriously.
First everyone draws a card and the person with the highest card goes first, and then clockwise from that person. Next you place the cards in a circle with the cards facing downwards so you can’t read them. Every card has a rule so it’s probably best to write them down so you don’t forget. The rules are as follows:
2 (You): Pick any other player to drink.
3 (Me): Drawer has to drink.
4 (Floor): All players need to put their hand on the table & last person needs to take a big drink.
5 (Guys): Males drink.
6 (Chicks): Females drink.
7 (Heaven): Last player to point upwards needs to drink.
8 (Mate): Pick a friend to make them drink up.
9 (Rhyme): Drawer says a word and the next person has to say one that rhymes and so on. Once someone can’t think of a word – they drink.
10 (Category): Drawer picks a category and the next person has to say a word in the same category (for example; types of beers) and so on until someone can’t think of another word. In case you haven’t guessed already – that someone needs to drink up.
Jack (Toilet pass): Self-explanatory – this card allows you to leave the circle to go to the toilet.
Queen (Question master): Drawer says something they’ve never done and any player that HAS done it needs to drink.
King (Rule): Drawer gets to make a rule. If anyone breaks the rule, they have to drink up. Rules can be anything from no names or swearing, to drinking only with your left hand and thumb out.
Ace (Waterfall): Drawer starts to drink, and then the next to them starts and so on until there is a waterfall of drinkers happening. When the drawer stops, the next person stops and so on.
These 4 drinking games should provide plenty of laughs for your next Pub Crawl or party.
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