Cheers to the health benefits of beer at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Cheers! To the Health Benefits of Beer!

Beer—it does a body good. That’s how that old saying goes, right? I’m sure that’s it. As it turns out, drinking beer does more for your body than just helping you out with those fierce dance moves. Not that that’s any less important; that Michael Jackson dance contest isn’t going...
Bavarian beer at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany thanks to the Reinheitsgebot

Happy Birthday Reinheitsgebot!

You old! But prost for still doing yo’ thang at the ripe age of 500. That’s right folks; Germany’s beer purity law, the Reinheitsgebot, turned 500 years old this year putting all other food quality standards to shame and giving us yet another reason to celebrate beer! By the way,...